SIA | ACS Self Assesments

SIA Security Industry Authority

We are excited to announce that UK Crime Statistics is being utilised by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) for Access Control Systems (ACS). The SIA has promoted the use of our website in their workbook guide as a trusted source of crime statistics to help inform security decisions during self-assessments.

The workbook guide is a self-assessment tool that helps security companies ensure that they meet the requirements of the ACS standard. By promoting the use of UK Crime Statistics in their workbook guide, the SIA is recognising our website as a valuable resource for security companies looking to make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable crime statistics.

As a provider of comprehensive and up-to-date data on crime rates in different areas of the UK, ranging from burglary rates to anti-social behaviour, we are proud to be recognised by the SIA as a trusted source of information for the security industry.

We would like to thank the SIA for promoting the use of our website in their workbook guide, and for their commitment to promoting best practices in the security industry. We will continue to work hard to provide the most accurate and useful crime statistics to help inform security decisions and keep people safe.

If you are a security company looking for reliable crime statistics to inform your self-assessment, visit "UK Crime Statistics" today. Our website is trusted by the SIA for ACS, and we are dedicated to providing the most up-to-date data to help you make informed decisions about your security needs.