9 Crimes reported in July 2024

Recent data for Croydon, Greater London, England reveals an active crime rate. In total, there were 9 incidents reported in July 2024. A significant portion of these incidents took place on West Croydon (station). It's crucial to note that these reports are within a 1-mile radius of CR9 4JA. On occasion, these crime locations might extend beyond village, town, or county lines.

Stay alert, be informed, and consider browsing other areas of our site to see how Croydon, Greater London, England compares to neighboring regions in terms of safety.

Top Crime Locations

Below are the top 10 locations with the highest reported crimes in Waddon for July 2024.

  • 1 West Croydon (station) 4 Reported Crimes
  • 2 Centrale (tram Stop) 2 Reported Crimes
  • 3 Therapia Lane (tram Stop) 1 Reported Crimes
  • 4 Wandle Park (tram Stop) 1 Reported Crimes
  • 5 Banstead Way 1 Reported Crimes

Keep up-to-date with crime surrounding
Croydon, Greater London, England (CR9 4JA)
We will update you only when crimes are reported in your area.

Number of Crimes by Category

Croydon, Greater London, England CR9 4JA | July 2024

A UK Crime Statistics visualisation showing Crime(s) in Croydon, Greater London, England by Category.

Number of Crimes By Category and Location

Croydon, Greater London, England CR9 4JA | July 2024

No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
No Crimes were reported in July 2024
Number of Crimes by Location and Category

Croydon, Greater London, England CR9 4JA | July 2024
